To revolt is a natural tendency of life. Even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it. In general, the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt.
Mikhail Bakunin

14 November 2007

pakistani protesting students cannot unite

This is really stupid. One protesting student body (Islami Jamiat e Tulba) has cooperated with the authorities and helped them capture Imran Khan when he arrived to lend support to their protest. Dumb Jamaatias!! They think they can take on Musharraf on their own. Musharraf must be laughing his ass off while enjoying the benefits of this disunity. The Jamaatias thought Imran Khan represented a secular side of the opposition and they were protesting as an Islamic group so they handed him over to the authorities. Subhanallah.

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