To revolt is a natural tendency of life. Even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it. In general, the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt.
Mikhail Bakunin

17 November 2007

Look, Daddy, I am so Important. I have Nukes!

Our Cowboy Mushy on the Emergency Horseback has said that if he leaves his office, the Nuclear Weapons of Pakistan may fall in the wrong hands. First of all, we have to decide if his hands are the right ones but let us leave that for a moment. What he is doing is that he has taken out his Last Bargaining Chip. He is trying to tell the West that he is the only person who can take care of the Nukes. This is all nonsense because, as an institution, the entire army is responsible for the weapons they own. Is he trying to threaten the West? Or is he trying to say that he is the only capable soldier and other officers cannot look after our nuclear assets/liabilities. That is an insult to the entire army. Maybe he should be court martialled under the revised Army Act 2007 because this statement is "conducive to public mischief." Look at our nervous Mushy boy. Does he look like someone who can look after the nuclear weapons of Pakistan?

Our Mushy boy breaks out in a sweat just thinking about the Nukes.

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