To revolt is a natural tendency of life. Even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it. In general, the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt.
Mikhail Bakunin

09 December 2007

Machtpolitik vs. Idealism in Pakistan

Nawaz Sharif's party will also participate in the upcoming elections. It means that seasoned or recently seasoned politicians have finally figured out that it is difficult to beat Musharraf - the black belt grand master of Machtpolitik - with idealism. Therefore, they are now going to compete with him in the arena of Machtpolitik. Whatever the outcome may be, the unfairly dismissed judges are in it for a long haul. The only rays of hope for Our Lordships are the students, lawyers and ordinary people who are offering them free housing. Imran Khan, a darling of the lawyers because of his decision to boycott the elections, is out of Machtpolitik and also in for a very long haul. In the meanwhile, the people of Pakistan have to worry about the prices of aata (wheat flour for making chapatis) and other everyday expediencies.

It will be accurate to say that a majority of the people in Pakistan have been pushed out of the realm of political dreaming because of their everyday struggle for bare survival. Someone should explain to them how to make their own salt - or aata for that matter - as a political act (the reference here is to Gandhi's salt march). In other words, we need politicians who can read the rhythm of the pulsating blood of the wretched of the earth.

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